I have long had misgivings about "conservative" talk radio. I still listen, although less now than before, because I need to know of news that I won't hear from Sinister-Wing Media, but also because I need to know what bad stuff might be said there that could redound to harm our cause for what is right.
I reported at the Belmont Club's "Obama at the GOP retreat" thread, the following :
At times combative and confident -- Wretchard [referring to Obama] in original postMcCain at a bit past 3 PM EST, on the Medved show, being offered the opportunity to comment on Obama’s “I am not a Bolshevik” said it reminded him of Nixon’s “I am not a crook.” He avoided further comment.
Why is that news?
John “no, he’s a nice man” McCain said it.
Well, a few posts later, I notice that some guy I've not seen before at BC reports something different. I immediately checked, found he was right, and corrected the record as shown by the following:
Ragspierre @ Jan 29, 2010 – 3:11 pm:
Obama also made the Nixonian declaration, “I am not an ideologue”. This is an awful mistake, as it is so readily shown to be a lie.Thanks for setting the record staight.
I was wondering why “I am not a Bolshevik” did not come up with a recent hit. Now I know. I took your clue and changed the search to “I am not an Ideologue” and got many hits.
I listen to Medved primarily to discover in what manner this “former” Leftist agit-proper will next undermine our cause.
To be fair to Medved and McCain, where I suspect neither would be so charitable to most of us, Obama himself, as reported by Reuters, did use the phrase “some Bolshevik plot.”
That could have been the source of Medved’s mangled quote. Still, this misquote of Obama to McCain was how Medved opened his show, and given his history in agit-prop, well… YMMV. You can be sure that Media Matters will hammer us over it while ignoring the true quote which is nearly as damning.
Jan 29, 2010 - 3:51 pm
When my first comment was remembered and later repeated by others on the thread, it greatly saddened me. It means few read my follow-up and remembered the inaccurate report (probably because first one was closer to what the reader wanted to hear). Thus I felt compelled to write additionally about the experience here, on my blog.
As I noted above, a few minutes after I'd heard Medved, I could not find the phrase "I am not a Bolshevik" on the web that was not years old.
But today, it's different. If you search the web with that phrase, and add 2010 after the quotation marks, you will find very many repetitions of that phrase. And I am in part to blame as witnessed by this guy's quoting me (highlighted here) without attribution:
jennis psycho January 30, 2010 9:41 AM
John McCain, formerly the MSM's favorite maverick/moderate, was on the Medved show, and being offered the opportunity to comment on Obama’s “I am not a Bolshevik” said it reminded him of Nixon’s “I am not a crook.” He declined further comment.
Anyway, the Sinister-Wing takes advantage of every error by us, even when a good faith effort is made to correct the record.
Bottom line: Michael Medved provided misinformation. There is a possibility he is providing disinformation. Be extra skeptical when he says something.