Friday, June 17, 2011

Chief Moron Projects Your Decency Upon Your Enemies

He likes to call himself Chief Ewok and then all the rest morons, especially his readers. But as he demonstrates today, he is really chief moron. Ace proves it with how he ends his convoluted post on the Gunwalker / Operation Fast and Furious scandal today.

In it he makes some assessments about what the perps of Gunwalker were aiming to do, and refuses to see any of it or them as having evil intentions. And then, using updates, Ace is forced to back down by commenters who inform him better. And then he still claims that his errant assessments have worth.

Ace is behaving like a lib who insists he's right because his intentions are purer. Give us a break can't you? But no! Ace ends with the worst "yeah, but" I've seen in a long time when he writes to assert his holier-than-thou feelings about the perps of Gunwalker:
"Very few people think of themselves as the Black Hat."
The deeper point, you moron, is that it then all depends on what it is they believe to be evil.

I am referring to our wannabe globalist masters new moral code. In our world they have taken up the role of Amalek in that they are against anything associated with God. In no way shape or form do they want us to be able to defend ourselves. That's the bottom line. Period.

In their world, if you abide by the "live and let live" credo that is essentially what "love thy neighbor as thyself" is all about, then, to them, it is you who are the evil one. And thus perpetrators of any harebrained scheme will indeed think of little people lives merely as eggs to be scrambled to make their God-forsaken omelets. Such schemers would never think of themselves as wearing the Black Hat in any way.

Ace is a leading blogger. And given his ending statement "Very few people think of themselves as the Black Hat," he clearly is lacking the major clue. Ace, real conservatives are fighting agents who are trying to turn our world upside down. They are evil on OUR terms, not theirs, moron. They designate us as evil for opposing them!

Ace proves once again what I keep saying. We. Need. New. Leaders.

Our enemies are not evil in their own eyes. We will not survive if we follow leaders who continually project your decency upon those who think of you as less worthy to live than they. They have a vision of the world that they are planning. They expect your full cooperation. If you don't agree, if you continue to insist that there is some eternal plan that is unfolding and is not subject to central planning by supermen, then you are subhuman and cannot be permitted to live very much longer.

Along a slightly different line, and with many more examples, I give you a late comment posted at AoSHQ***

391 I think that the "Everybody is the hero of their own story" explanation fails; the elitist leftist thinking that causes this sort of action specifically hates the idea of heroes even existing. A better and more accurate statement would be: "Alpha males are the heroes of their own stories."

The loud mouthed version of the Beta mind is all about revenge; punishing the successful for being successful and for no other reason. Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointed out that the gulags were not the unfortunate side effect of Communism - the gulags were the whole point of Communism. Loud mouth Beta males don't see themselves as heroes. Obama doesn't see himself as some kind of hero - he is doing deliberate destruction - in the original sense of the word; the opposite of construction.

The point of gun control is to disarm the successful and law abiding so that they can be punished; it is difficult to punish anyone who can shoot back. The first thing that is done in a court of law is to disarm the defendant. People might tell you that disarming the defendant is all about "proper decorum in the courtroom" or creating a "respect for the law" but that is all BS; you disarm people so you can beat them up; end of story.

Anthropogenic Global Warming is ALL about punishing the successful. The leftist mind wants to raise taxes on the rich to punish the rich for being successful; not to "balance the budget". "Social Justice" is all about punishing the successful. Once you understand that about leftist thinking everything else falls into place.  That is why leftists lie about everything; if they told people what they were really doing nobody would put up with it.

Posted by: An Observation at June 18, 2011 10:00 AM (ylhEn)
Linked at Neanderpundit. Thanks for the kind words Og.


  1. Og was right. This is a righteous rant and a good five-across-the-eyes to Ace. More than that, it stands fine all on its own merits.

    And calling out the Beta envy of the Alpha is a square jab to the jaw of the moron. Ace has the best commenters on the web and he is such a Beta that he doesn't know it.

  2. There are very few things I fear as much as people who are trying to rule you "for your own good."

    "In every generation, there are those who want to rule well--but they mean to rule. They promise to be good masters--but they mean to be masters."
    - Daniel Webster

  3. You've nailed half of the left's construct!
    The other half of their poisonous dogma is the rewarding of failure. Rewarding failure breeds more failure.

    From welfare, to not spanking little jonny, to not executing predators.... we get more fail because they force us to not make it painful.

    Punishing success breeds less success.

    It's not rocket surgery!

  4. Anon, you got it baby. Let's reward slack and bullshit and punish industry and success, and see how fast we can destroy human civilization.

  5. Anon, in particular the "not executing predators" ought be the biggest tell.

    About the only criminal activity that they claim cannot be deterred by punishment -- is murder.

    Their stance is totally consistent. Once we introduce into consideration of the nature of whom we are fighting, it becomes obvious that they'd build elaborate lies about deterrence. That's because the horrific murderer is the most extreme of all their unpaid agents. Where there is that a policy of domestic terror, as there was in all the Marxist regimes of the 20th Century, it surely made sense. The biggest crime there was "enemy of the state." And now we have the more open Malthusian based anti-humanity polices, with population reduction seen as the "cure-all," why'd they'd want to deter the murderer?

    When it is looked at in Sustainability Management terms, all criminal policy points to the fact that the murderer is the most important element in the civilian side of the vise the Statists have built to crush civilization. He sets the standard for the "unbridled" horrific element for which the state is all too willing to provide protection for the public.

    Now add their coddling of militant Islam and the fostering of multi-culturism, and you have home-grown murderers on your doorstep for which the State will punish you for defending yourself against.

    Will we continue to let them build up The Vise without strong complaint?

  6. We don't need any LEADERS; we need new representatives. Even the prez, though in the executive branch, still needs to answer to the board of directors- the people.
    These people are supposed to work for us, not the other way around.

  7. DT, like it or not, our representatives are gonna be influenced by leaders. I'm recognizing Ace as one of those whose opinion, due to his readership, affects what "the people" think, in his case those on the Right. In this instance he's playing the GOP leadership game of throwing out the most important consideration of all: that there are people embedded in government, now at all levels, who are evil.

    The current predominant leadership of the GOP is filled with Statists, some of whom, by their silence in the face of dehumanizing programmes of the Leftists and Greenies and Reds (yes, tolerated in places like Venezuela, and tried to foist it upon Honduras), simply hate humanity. "Leaders" who never address this reality are, IMHO, nothing more than Judas goats.

  8. Late to the game, as always, but you hit this one square on the head. As evidenced by the comments, it appears most folks get it. I have one quibble (and DT this is not specifically addressed to you, I have heard this voiced elsewhere, and it needs to be squelched ASAP).

    Real "LEADERSHIP", is always needed. Notice I did not say "management" as there is far, far too much of that going on. Management is also given (falsely) the tag of leadership, but the two are not the same. At best they are "kissing cousins". There are those who are placed, for whatever reason(s) or events, into "leadership positions". This does not automatically make them leaders, often times they are noting more then managers "care taking" the position or job until a real leader comes to the fore.

    As an example (knowing this might be up for debate) Generals Patton and McArthur, were leaders. Eisenhower was closer to a manager. (An executive level one to be sure, but a manager none the less.)

    Reagan was a leader. Carter, a micro-manager of the first magnitude, would probably stumble on the spelling of leadership.

    Real leaders provide a spark, felt throughout the corporate structure (on the civilian side of the street) , and the same is true via the "Chain of Command" in military circles.

    Looking at the political side of the house for a second. Palin, Bachmann, and West have leadership potential (and West at least has demonstrated same during his time in service). Newt, Romney, and the current occupant of the oval office, might make good managers (this being very generous to at least one of the above).

    We could have fought the Revolutionary War with any number of Generals at the helm. That Washington was a leader vice a manager, perhaps gave us that extra something which helped to bring about ultimate victory, instead of continued servitude to the British crown.

  9. In short, we need real leaders and leadership now more than ever. They are the glue, the focused adhesiveness of purpose, which bring men and ideas together, when needed most.

  10. "Alpha males are the heroes of their own stories. The loud mouthed version of the Beta mind is all about revenge; punishing the successful for being successful and for no other reason. "

    This quote has produced a major paradigm shift for me, Pascal.

    I was always befuddled at peoples propensity for vengence. How could people contiually fall so easily for this one of seven deadly sins?

    I now makes sense: Beta are followers and there is a price to be paid for not following your dreams - and it comes out fo the hide of those they follow (never mind the fact that they purchase their protection from the alphas by not pursuing thier dreams and going with the 'herd'.

    Hmmm... "Corroded by failure, envy and hate..."

    Now mind you, I'm no Alpha. I'm an Omega.

    Things are making alot more sense now. Wow... Dang that was good....

  11. "We will not survive if we follow leaders who continually project your decency upon those who think of you as less worthy to live than they. They have a vision of the world that they are planning. They expect your full cooperation. If you don't agree, if you continue to insist that there is some eternal plan that is unfolding and is not subject to central planning by supermen, then you are subhuman and cannot be permitted to live very much longer."

    It took a couple days for this to sink in, but this quote was profound. Here is what I got out of your post:

    Very polarizing, Pascal. Good point about needing new leaders: we are led by a bunch of clueless Beta's.

    The Left has been waging an undeclared war against us and we have been unable to address this evil (for it IS a war) for the very fact that we are trying to understand things from their point of view and are disabled-off by their own Cultural Malware-Virus called Moral-Relativity. Being that the Beta does not have a firm foothold on Our sides perspective (Beta's are followers, remeber? An Alpha - and Omega - mentality is grounded with its perspective), they then go and say "Oh! yea, I see there point of view" and thus garner the live and let live attitude and tell all of us to do nothing.

    This is a complex HIV infection that our civilization has been infected with and it needs to be rooted out.

    Too bad this Post won't reach many people as it really add to the Cassus Belli against the Left.

    Expand this post. Really.

    This meme could be the sword that will cut the Gordian-Knot of Moral-Relativity if you can fashion it into words that can be understood easily by the common Beta (and course-correct the Alphas/Omegas).

    Well Done.

  12. "I am referring to our wannabe globalist masters new moral code. In our world they have taken up the role of Amalek in that they are against anything associated with God. In no way shape or form do they want us to be able to defend ourselves. That's the bottom line. Period."

    Yes. If they root out G-d from people lives, it also reduces us from our own G-dhead and the sanctity of our own individual lives.

    We are then just meat to be used and disposed of at will.

    It is interesting how the Atheists do not see this.

  13. Perhaps our battlecry is the 1st and 2nd Commandment:

    "I am the Lord, your G-d, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me"

    "You shall not worship idols "

    Basically both address the same issue, but go at it from different directions. The lefts ideology is their God (or Godlessness in the form of the Religion of Secular Humanism that has been expanded to ghastly and distorted proportions since the Age of Reason started), the Intellectual Elite (the messenger) is an idol.

    Perhaps if we attacked the 'Religosity', or beliefs, of Secular Humanism (Like I do with the Atheists Religion of Science) we can reveal the truth of it being just another belief and then site the refrain "I am the Lord, your G-d, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" afterwords to help them remeber who they really are (or once were).

    In regards to their 'Supermen', their 'messengers', the Intellectual Elite: when the Beta's start bleating their praises of these ... men... perhaps site the errors of these messengers using Saul Alinsky's rule #4 (Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules) and then use refrain "You shall not worship idols" and specifically state that it is commandment #2 to help remind them of who they once were.


  14. You gave me one hell of a lot to absorb as it poured out of you this morning Cond. I will address one of your comments right away.

    "This meme could be the sword that will cut the Gordian-Knot of Moral-Relativity if you can fashion it into words that can be understood easily by the common Beta (and course-correct the Alphas/Omegas)."

    Coincidentally, last week I wrote a post titled "Our Gordian Knot" that I sent out to a couple of friends for comment. As Og was one of them, he can attest to this.

    I don't often send out ideas for review and/or editing, but I did with this one. The reason was as I got wound up in laying out the situation, I tended to get too focused on a specific problem rather than the whole systemic problem that came into focus for you today.

    The problem with that post as it currently stands is that it is a powerful indictment of people who claim to being doing one thing while their whole operation is moving in the diametrically opposite direction, but it doesn't address the core issue. The systemics are still covered with the facade before the paradigm shift. You now see the shift, but a vast army of people, many of them eager to be useful idiots, are unwilling to see it, and will fight tooth and nail not to admit it.

    They are like Neo: the very thought of what you have recognized can indue a normal human being the feeling of wretching to the max. Few can stomach it.

  15. It'll be nice when you get 'Gordian-Knot' post up.

    Certain thoughts and concepts, when put together in a certain way, can shift very large balances.

    "Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come"

    ...and that is IF it comes. I would like to think efforts such as yours would not be in vain.


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