Thursday, January 28, 2010

PSB Day 9 - Where is Tort Reformed Healthcare?

See? This hardly took any time at all:  "Brown tells AP he'll sometimes side with Democrats". One needed not be some great seer to recognize that Scott Brown is human, and a politician at that, and he hails from Massachusetts. QED.

Well, now for some good news.

Yesterday, the doctor who blogs at MD Whistleblower, honored me with a "housecall." He facetiously noted to me: 
You missed the president's comments on tort reform last eve? You must have nodded off when he swore allegiance to the trial attorneys. No one feels the pain of the unfair system more than physicians like me. For a physicians viewpoint, see [my blog]  under Legal Quality.
I have read some of it doctor. So far I've not seen it all, so I am holding off judgment. Many of my concerns are the same as yours, but the system is being encumbered by the worst sorts of human beings, some -- but not all -- for the worst of reasons. The only way to really set you and all good physicians free is to counteract the anti-human agenda that has been adopted by so many Ivory Tower policy designers. When more people start discussing that reality, only then will those like you stand a chance of prevailing. What do I need to show you to convince you of that?

It is nine (9) days PSB.

Nine days post Scott Brown. And you really thought that marked the end of the radical agenda? Hm.

So? Where is meaningful healthcare reform? The one that targets
  1. Tort reform with or without ABA support?
  2. AMA reforms that vastly reduce the need for litigation?
The Incrementals and Sinister Wingers have yet to address the heart of your message:
Kill the beastly cycle of cost increases that begins feeding itself due to the specter of law suits.
What? You say you can't read the five lines of text above? Well its condition reflects reality. The likelihood that our institutions of health care will see the most meaningful of reforms have all but faded away. We can dream, can't we?


  1. This is the Whistleblower responding. I thank you for taking the time to review some of the blog. I know the medical liablity system up close and personal. Not only have I been sued repeatedly, but my father and borother-in-law attorneys sue doctors. All cases against me were properly dismissed, but each one affects me.

    The majority of physicians ensnared in the system are innocent. Billions of $ are wasted on defensive medicine. Most importanly, the vast majority of patients who are true victims of medical negligence are never captured by the system. The above points are not my editorial rants; they are facts. How can we defend or maintain a system that performs so poorly and costs so much?

    I don't think this is an Ivory Tower issue. I think we have a corrupt system that our elected folks in D.C. want to maintain for self-serving reasons, not for a philosophical belief that the status quo is just.

  2. There's a multitude of reasons why the status quo continues Doc, and part of that is policy. The status quo would permit many unsavory things to happen, and one of them is to propel the government take-over of heathcare.

    Oh, and I am not denying the venal is very important: we know "the love of money is near the root of all evil," but there are other human types that are wearing sheep's clothing, and they really are the worst and have their hand in all this too. I'm posting this now only because I didn't want to think I forgot you. Gestate this for now, and see if you conjure up other plausible reasons for the intractability.


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