Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Need to Place Political Correctness in the Crosshairs - Part 2

Political Correctness poses far more dangers to us than the suppression of our right to speak. Indeed, when the essence of the suppressed speech is warnings to those who will listen, how hard is it then to see that PC is actually quite physically dangerous as well?

I was prompted to add some additional commentary about the need that we eliminate Political Correctness from our institutions when Wretchard published The Belmont Club: Some hates are more equal than others.

It contains a variety of links and short commentary about Tuft's University punishing its students for disseminating facts about the violent record of militant Islam.

Here is the text of my comment there.

It does not take a rocket scientist to notice the conflict between those who govern our institutions using political correctness as their guiding light and that of society's fundamentally predominant concern of protecting human life.

In fact there is assuredly a radical reversal in the way those who've risen to the top of society's institutions have gone about, ostensibly, protecting its members.

Of significant note is that which used to be called constructive criticism wound up in the cross-hairs of the heads of our institutions.

Here we have institutional dunderheads (at best) protecting some groups, and allegedly the wider public, by censoring information about the rotten record of the complainant group's dangerous fellow travelers.

Essentially the institution that is Tufts University cares more about the offended feelings of its current pet group than it does for the safety of the individuals that keep Tufts in business: its students.

It is coincidental that I published only yesterday The Need to Place Political Correctness in the Crosshairs that was prompted by the misguidedness of another institution, MLB, which cares far more about deflecting criticism of the behaviors of its players that it does about its players being saved from the consequences of that same behavior.

The bigger point I made was how really dangerous political correctness is, and that it's best stopped before it goes too far. This story about Tufts appears to be pushing the threat even deeper.

I take it for granted that my readers understand how cuckoos proliferate. What I have observed is we have had laid into our cultural nest the cuckoo we have come to know as Political Correctness.

Since PC first appeared, that cuckoo has been killing off nearly every humane inclination to redirect a fellow human being from off a path leading to disaster. And that goes for our society's path as well.

Nearly every time I see a story about the Left's outrage for some questionable group, and usually at the expense of one or two lone individuals, I can't help but recall this poignant observation, by Wretchard, when he ended his commentary to Easy to Be Hard, Easy to Be Cold
One of the sources of the inhuman "strength" of the Left is its refusal to acknowledge the existence of anything smaller than a mass noun. Rhetorical service to the people, masses, workers, peasants; the poor and the downtrodden are objects worthy of the Left; but love, pity and sorrow for individuals is sentiment beneath contempt.


  1. Since PC first appeared, that cuckoo has been killing off nearly every humane inclination to redirect a fellow human being from off a path leading to disaster. And that goes for our society's path as well.

    Very interesting. I attribute it to the left's goal of society and law becoming synonymous, with no space in between.

    Which means disapproval, let alone shame, becomes illegal. Discrimination.

    But being discriminating is the thinking man's goal, eh? Thinking, then, must be made illegal, too.

  2. Yes Tom. PC leads directly to 1984 style statist thought-controls, with all the anti-thought language destruction described in the appendix of that benchmark dystopian novel.


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