Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lessons in Humility, No. 1

Allegedly modern (meaning "seeking the best") man frequently derides previous generations as being primitive and, at best, benighted.  Behold.

1,000-year-old onion and garlic eye remedy kills MRSA
 h/t AoSHQ
Scientists recreated a 9th Century Anglo-Saxon remedy using onion, garlic and part of a cow's stomach.

They were "astonished" to find it almost completely wiped out methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, otherwise known as MRSA. 

Their findings will be presented at a national microbiology conference.

The remedy was found in Bald's Leechbook - an old English manuscript containing instructions on various treatments held in the British Library.

"But we were absolutely blown away by just how effective the combination of ingredients was," she [Dr Freya Harrison] said.
I fear that the more we think we are the best, the more we actually slip into post-modernism (meaning "get beyond this modernist seeking when we should be seeking to be simpler like the noble savages".)

As that is the condition that the self-assessed elite Progs want to inflict on us lesser humans, I offer this story as one lesson.

Let it help us recall that older -- and what is too often presumed lesser -- generations actually can provide us with not only good solutions, but remind us of something considerably more dangerous. That the cultures subjected to Prog dominance are flattered about their alleged intelligence. They are indoctrinated in complacency (read compliance) to have the carefree nature of Eloi: "Why seek more knowledge when you already are the best?"

The intent is to make the subjects dumber, more vulnerable to things like disease, and easier to control. That father of the Morlocks, H. G. Wells, set the Prog standard and it seems that they continue to follow toward his goal.

Even if this blog post got wider distribution, I don't expect very many people to take it seriously. That is truly sad.

Because if it were taken seriously, such a response would actually start some real countermeasures rolling. There is greatness to be gained in remembering to be humble.

Friday, March 27, 2015

For Those Who Accept SSM's Propaganda Unquestionably

Every once in awhile it is helpful to take note how easy it is to prank people. In this one, each unsuspecting mark undoubtedly feared for his or her life at least for a moment.

Enjoy "Fast & Furious Nerd Shocks Instructors."

What Have You Done for Me Lately Lefty?

This is a question that all Leftists (and liberals still unaware that Leftists see them as useful idiots) had better be able to answer to those in power:

What have you done for us lately?

When you either don't have an answer or finally lose something those in power wanted, below the break is a hint of what to expect as a reward for all your past service.

Is Obama Sunni or Shia?

I've been told that this is the question being asked all around the Middle East. I wonder what the answer will be?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

When the blinders are ripped off, it's not always cause to celebrate

When liberal groups split off from long time allies because the long time allies expose themselves as really the kind of villains conservatives have long warned the liberal group they were aiding, there is both a sigh of relieve in our side AND the nagging feeling that "maybe they are just looking to save face now that the atrocities of their former partner is so blatantly out in the open."


Liberal groups tend, as a whole, to automatically detest conservative groups simply because they have done it for so long. Their indoctrination has been that strong.

So even when all that the conservative groups have warned about proves to be true, the liberal groups tend to give them NO credit.

This could be remedied except for the fact that there are far too many establishment moles within conservative groups who will make sure that the liberals are disenchanted once again, and very soon.

Remember folks. There is no Left and Right. There is really only Up and Down. Profess it. Let Ronald Reagan show you how. http://pascalfervor.blogspot.com/2014/02/200-reward-for-verified-copy-82-83.html

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Thirty Years: Yikes!

It was only yesterday that the Los Angeles Marathon began. Yet here it is, the 30th. It always starts near my home at about 7AM and thus it is hard to go anywhere until they open the streets again. This year, because of the route, I would have had to go 3-4 miles North If I wanted to take my car to the other side of the freeway!

This picture -- of later runners entering my neighborhood -- is the nearest overpass over that freeway.
30th L.A. Marathon at Edgeware over US 101
Update: It is actually 30 events and only 29 years.

It's a matter of discrete events beginning with the number 1 and called the first.
Ordinal numbers, not anniversaries of birth.

Still, it seems like yesterday that L.A. thought they oughta follow the lead of other major cities for a change rather than be the trend setter. LOL for the irony.

Sunday, March 08, 2015


My wisteria bloomed in full this week. While I cannot provide you with its wonderful fragrance that is driving my bees into ecstasy, I encourage you to use your imagination.

click to see original size

Our imagination is important, especially to aid our optimism when all else seems discouraging. Please let this photo serve as a reminder that even in seasonless Southern California,  Spring announces her return with vibrancy and vitality nevertheless.

Perhaps this helps explain why it is said "hope Springs eternal."

For those of you have still to dig out of the depths of a real winter, and especially for all who recognize that this is time of descending darkness in the political realm, this is a gift to you from him who, too often, sounds like Jeremiah.

Monday, March 02, 2015

Call Their Lies Out As Evil, Not Deranged

The Statists and their Leftist shock troops are totally shameless. Mocking them as deranged is a deflection.

It serves to prepare decent people for the fight that is coming. It is essential to fully understand that the enemy is evil and not merely deranged.

As an example, JWF posted the following headline today.
Peak Walker Derangement Syndrome: ‘Who’s Scarier: Scott Walker or ‘Jihadi John’?’

Jammie was asserting derangement despite various SSM having retracted the bogus story about WI Gov Scott Walker, the Left wackos kept up the attacks as if they never heard the truth.

Just as Jammie finds it hard to believe that the Leftoids don't know the facts, so that their persistence is a sign of derangement, I find it hard to believe that he is unaware of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, a publication Alinsky himself dedicated to the Lord of Darkness.

So I left the following understated reproval for Jammie and any others who foolishly believe it is better to play it safe by describing the despicable tactic of unrelenting personal abuse -- the spreading known lies in deliberate, personal attacks -- as signs of insanity instead.

  1. pascal on 2/02/15 at 2:32 pm

    Deranged in the face of facts? Oh please Jammie. It’s Alinsky evil.

    In this instance, a combination of rules 6, 8 and 12.

    RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” Facts be damned, it’s fun to behave like 6 year old bullies.

    RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” What facts? We didn’t hear them.

    RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. The target always knows the truth, so the constant lies that never go away are intended to make him lash out at some point and then he’s toast.

    Evil tactics, not simple errors committed by deranged nuts. Headline that instead Jammie.
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