Haley Barbour's PAC Funded the Racially-Tinged Attacks on McDaniels
Help me end the use of the acronym RINO. Rhinos are tough.
SKUNCs (Stooges keep undermining national constitutionalists) is the kind of label any designee or his potential voters will find hard to misunderstand as a compliment.
Despite the alleged separation of church and state, BELIEF in Sustainability is widely held in American secular government. Judeo-Christian moral guidelines have been incrementally supplanted by what can best be described as neo-pagan ones. Consequently, notice where rulers never utter a harsh word against Malthusian, Utilitarian, Green and Islamistophilic nutcases. There the ruled are at grave risk.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Well, DUH!
Whistleblower: Ultimate goal of NSA is total population control...
And who does NSA work for?
If you think the answer is "they work for the American citizen," I would offer to sell you a bridge, but you've already bought too many.
The opening headline is Drudge's of course.
And I don't think most people reading it see in it any inkling as readers of this blog know how I read it. The megalomaniacs are bragging. And goading the goad-able. And thinking their time to crack down is nigh.
My advice to you today is not what it would have been 30 years ago. Trust in G-d, cause there are no men currently in power who give a rat's butt less value than yours.
And who does NSA work for?
If you think the answer is "they work for the American citizen," I would offer to sell you a bridge, but you've already bought too many.
The opening headline is Drudge's of course.
And I don't think most people reading it see in it any inkling as readers of this blog know how I read it. The megalomaniacs are bragging. And goading the goad-able. And thinking their time to crack down is nigh.
My advice to you today is not what it would have been 30 years ago. Trust in G-d, cause there are no men currently in power who give a rat's butt less value than yours.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Corollary to Godwin's Curse
The Corollary to Godwin's Curse posted yesterday:
When one is living the consequences of Godwin's Curse1, adherents to Godwin's Law2 will then know what desperation really means.1Godwin's Curse
There will be a point in time where events have so deteriorated that the value of any comparative arguments, such as how similar behavior led to the same repercussions, will be moot.
2Godwin's Law in short asserts
Mentioning Hitler or Nazi for any reason in support of an argument implicitly categorizes the speaker as desperate.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Godwin's Curse
Godwin's Law in short asserts that mentioning of Hitler for any reason in support of an argument implicitly categorizes the speaker as desperate.
I don't care who Godwin was or that he is credited with this assertion. However I will credit him with the curse since his attitude will have helped trends to continue.
Godwin's Curse:
I will have you know that this video helped, especailly at 30 seconds in, helped me recognize this curse.
Hat tip to Kevin Baker.
Oh, and one more observation.
Someone please list and point to places where Bill Whittle has called outRINOs SKUNCs for their back-stabbing and anti-constitutional ways of their own?
Undoubtedly Whittle keeps showing us superbly how badly we are being served. I think he does so better than anyone else except, on some occasions, his pal Andrew Klavan.
See, this is what worries me about Whittle. I cannot quite shake the feeling that he is frequently laughing at Americans who are less well-connected than is he.
I don't care who Godwin was or that he is credited with this assertion. However I will credit him with the curse since his attitude will have helped trends to continue.
Godwin's Curse:
There will be a point in time where events have so deteriorated that the value of any comparative arguments, such as how similar behavior led to the same repercussions, will be moot.[**Updated** to include the corollary:
When one is living the consequences of Godwin's Curse, adherents to Godwin's Law will then know what desperation really means.]
I will have you know that this video helped, especailly at 30 seconds in, helped me recognize this curse.
Hat tip to Kevin Baker.
Oh, and one more observation.
Someone please list and point to places where Bill Whittle has called out
Undoubtedly Whittle keeps showing us superbly how badly we are being served. I think he does so better than anyone else except, on some occasions, his pal Andrew Klavan.
See, this is what worries me about Whittle. I cannot quite shake the feeling that he is frequently laughing at Americans who are less well-connected than is he.
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Goading in the Morning
Courtesy of drudgereport.com July 14, 2014 at 8:49 AM
Goading in the morning,
Glowering in the evening,
Loathing at supertime,
That's what media feeds you,
Sending lies out all the time.
Due Process Be Damned
The Environmental Protection Agency has quietly claimed that it has the
authority to unilaterally garnish the wages of individuals who have been
accused of violating its rules. Source
(h/t FoxNews)
A thieving, gobbling, ruthless Leviathan.
Let us put aside a number of items in the Bill of Rights that basically codifies basic human rights. Rights that say we should be left safe and secure in our effects except after due process, and even then without outrageous fining.
Instead, let us move on to the list of particular grievances in another American document of some significance:
It is not yet July 14. But I highly suspect that is what Leviathan seeks. That has always been the Leftist goal no matter that the Leftist is often consumed, as was Robespierre, by the very excesses he unleashes upon the world.
The Left are lunatics. What are you?
Speaking of being goaded. What do you make of this layout at the top of Drudge at 8:49AM PST July 9, 2014?

(h/t FoxNews)
A thieving, gobbling, ruthless Leviathan.
Let us put aside a number of items in the Bill of Rights that basically codifies basic human rights. Rights that say we should be left safe and secure in our effects except after due process, and even then without outrageous fining.
Instead, let us move on to the list of particular grievances in another American document of some significance:
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.You can be sure that Leviathan knows of this sentence and where it originated. Could it be goading its targets? That is a rhetorical question.
It is not yet July 14. But I highly suspect that is what Leviathan seeks. That has always been the Leftist goal no matter that the Leftist is often consumed, as was Robespierre, by the very excesses he unleashes upon the world.
The Left are lunatics. What are you?
Speaking of being goaded. What do you make of this layout at the top of Drudge at 8:49AM PST July 9, 2014?
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
SSM Episode #2
It is about time that openly noticing the Soviet style of Western media started to become mainstream.
This headline was published by Jammie Wearing Fool. Now, Jammie is mostly a news and opinion aggregator, so many of his headlines are going to be repeats of what others publish. Nevertheless, why should such a statement seem controversial to him? Because he knows that an unwritten law has been breached? One about what is and is not acceptable in polite salons? Maybe.
I get the feeling that many blogs are afraid of being labeled impolite or impolitic: too radical if they make such value assessments such as affixing labels to poorly functioning mainstream institutions.
How in the name of sanity can anything ever be reformed when glaring malfeasance of one of our important mainstream institutions are not openly criticized?
I know from experience that your humble author is hardly more insightful than other human beings. Privately I find ready agreement that, indeed, our news organizations are delivering propaganda that would have made Pravda blush. IOW, it's an observation that should long ago have become mainstream.
So why is it necessary for a news-maker -- in this instance a Congressman -- to break the ice before other blogs repeat the accurate labeling of our news media? Hell, will they even repeat that label now? I have my doubts.
And this highlights something you should find even more troubling.
When things get so out of hand that it takes a Congress critter to say something that should long ago have become mainstream, but is now published as a headline because it is seen as "controversial," then it may indicate that we as a "free" people are long ago permanently enslaved. If you are too afraid to say what is obvious to a fool such as your humble author, what chance is there that you will have the courage and insights needed to defend your liberty when all Hell breaks loose?
Congressman on Obama’s Media Border Tours: “This is the kind of media that they had in the former Soviet Union”
What is startling it that it took a Congressman to say it. It confounds me that the most blogs continue to use MSM instead of SSM (Soviet-Style Media or some other fitting equivalent).This headline was published by Jammie Wearing Fool. Now, Jammie is mostly a news and opinion aggregator, so many of his headlines are going to be repeats of what others publish. Nevertheless, why should such a statement seem controversial to him? Because he knows that an unwritten law has been breached? One about what is and is not acceptable in polite salons? Maybe.
I get the feeling that many blogs are afraid of being labeled impolite or impolitic: too radical if they make such value assessments such as affixing labels to poorly functioning mainstream institutions.
How in the name of sanity can anything ever be reformed when glaring malfeasance of one of our important mainstream institutions are not openly criticized?
I know from experience that your humble author is hardly more insightful than other human beings. Privately I find ready agreement that, indeed, our news organizations are delivering propaganda that would have made Pravda blush. IOW, it's an observation that should long ago have become mainstream.
So why is it necessary for a news-maker -- in this instance a Congressman -- to break the ice before other blogs repeat the accurate labeling of our news media? Hell, will they even repeat that label now? I have my doubts.
And this highlights something you should find even more troubling.
When things get so out of hand that it takes a Congress critter to say something that should long ago have become mainstream, but is now published as a headline because it is seen as "controversial," then it may indicate that we as a "free" people are long ago permanently enslaved. If you are too afraid to say what is obvious to a fool such as your humble author, what chance is there that you will have the courage and insights needed to defend your liberty when all Hell breaks loose?
Bleg: Fight Crocodile Tears and False Flags
In response to the following Breitbart headline
Thank you.
White House Requests $3.7 Billion in Emergency Funding to Deal with Border Crisis
I postedNO!Should you agree with this, please go here and raise the rank for this response.It currently has 5 thumbs up.
Every penny Obama gets he will use to repress those who protest the invasion he abets.
Thank you.
Monday, July 07, 2014
The One-Way Ratchet Again
I wish I could recall where I saw it last week. Maybe one of you can refresh my memory.
But the answer to Ace's questioning headline
Who is protected by the law depends onthe King's whimsy the unstated but easily recognized agenda of those who enforce the laws.
It is no accident that such blatant and brazen discrepancies continue to be abetted by our rulers' Soviet-Style Media.
Bottom line for you Ace:
But the answer to Ace's questioning headline
If Obama Can Ignore The Law Requiring the Deportation of Illegal Aliens, Why Can't He Ignore the Law Requiring Asylum Hearings?
is that the ratcheting away of protection for Americans continues unabated and rarely specifically laid out for scrutiny.Who is protected by the law depends on
It is no accident that such blatant and brazen discrepancies continue to be abetted by our rulers' Soviet-Style Media.
Bottom line for you Ace:
Equality under the law is now completely arbitrary wherever it suits those seeking ever more power and ever more longevity in the seat of power.Period.
Agency of Lies,
Assault on America,
Left Influenced Converted to Liberty Influence By a Single Word
A liberal friend on becoming cognizant of real news:
And a fire lit in her eyes.
Please welcome the newest member of the growing resistance to DC.
You too may have one budding near you.
Just be open to him and primed to offer just the right word.
A liberal friend on becoming cognizant of real news:
"...the conditions of these youngsters from Central America who have been shipped one way or another North (media still silent on such details and seems not likely to investigate further) to be shoved across our borders. An organized invasion. I don't think it would be going too far to call it a warped update of the Children's Crusade. What is going on here?"I suggested, "I think the word you are looking for, to hang on all this, may be Exploitation."
And a fire lit in her eyes.
Please welcome the newest member of the growing resistance to DC.
You too may have one budding near you.
Just be open to him and primed to offer just the right word.
human sacrifice,
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