Saturday, June 16, 2007

Thoughts Provoked By a Misapplied Word

Today, I had only a little time because I have to leave. While quickly perusing Wretchard's greatly expanded reportage, I was sensitive to what I think was an unintended slander, by our gifted world correspondent/analyst, of modernity.

I read it at The Belmont Club: Airport Security. The following was the comment I left there. I hope my reaction further provokes awareness of, and the threat to, our civilization by the "Progressive" movement known as political Postmodernism.

      Wretchard wrote: This just goes to show how much damage modern political correctness has inflicted on the Geneva Convention. [Emphasis added].

    It is definitely not modern, and this error could be seen as a slander of the modern period. If anything, the Geneva convention helped advance modernity.

    But what we have now is a product of the postmodern. You've used the term before, and it couldn't be more accurately ascribed, both to this situation and to the proponents who've made this tragedy possible.

    Also, instead of modern or postmodern, you could have used the word contemporary, but then that would have been redundant (unless you wanted to imply that PC has evolved, er, devolved, er, progressed - yeah, progressed!).

    I think I experienced what had to be going through your mind and feelings as you composed this line. The error in it reveals both comedy and tragedy, and maybe a desire to avoid editorializing in the direction I went, though I'm pretty sure you didn't intend the comedy.


  1. I certainly didn't intend anything pejorative towards you and I hope I did nothing to offend you.

  2. No offense taken Wretchard. Good thing too. For, were I to be easily offended, I'd be indulging in another, more frequently observed form of political correctness.

    I welcome criticism in the same spirit I criticize others. I would wish many more would do so and react the same.

    For surely those who are easily offended or claim offense by those who report accurate observations are furthering interpersonal enmity and civilizational decline.

    After all, how much does Smith truly care about others feelings when, after you cry out in pain, Smith feels only that you are making a big thing of his klutziness and not that you are reacting quite naturally to his stepping on your toes?


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