Sunday, October 13, 2024

Kubrick Fans: Steering AI With Personal Knowledge

When using AI, it helps to have some knowledge on any subject searched. In that way when AI seems to avoid some answers one can redirect. Even after getting better results, it can be both humorous and annoying how often it insists on including results that satisfy a Woke agenda.

I will demonstrate with one of my favorite conclusions about the what drives the plots in all of Stanley Kubrick's major, prescient films: Societal Corruption. Kubrick Fans may enjoy the irony of using his work to investigate the vagary of AI dependability.  

First, this is how I best summarize that corruption in major films. 

  1. Paths of Glory: WWI generals.
  2. Lolita: intellectuals attracted to innocents (pedophilia.)
  3. Spartacus: insatiable appetites and hubris of the super wealthy.
  4. Dr Strangelove: Tragicomedy of shortsightedness by "brilliant" minds.
  5. 2001: AI itself corrupted by its programming. Danger from limited agenda sharing.
  6. Clockwork Orange: Ruling class fostering and exploitation of criminal activity.
  7. Barry Lyndon: The fish rots from the head down.
  8. The Shining: Examining sinister forces that appear as opulence decays.
  9. Full Metal Jacket: Consequences of abuse and of wars with hidden agendas.
  10. Eyes Wide Shut: Exposing the existence of an Epstein client type elite. Pedophilia subplot.
  11. AI (as planned): Pretty sure what Spielberg produced missed Kubrick's intent.

My first search was "itemize societal corruption depicted by Kubrick."

This resulted in a very narrow 4 film result displaying only 4 small windows that looked like icons used for hot links. But they only displayed one-liners when passing the cursor over them. Very odd.

So I tried again, same search terms. This time I got, at length, 3 film results of Nos. 1, 6, & 10.

I resubmitted identically again, and got 5 lengthy film results (4,6,7,9 &10). What's noticeable is how the first lengthy result gives details about "Eyes" that are far more ominous than does the second.


"Eyes" #1 belongs in the Epstein List category

Elite Society Secrets and Debauchery: In “Eyes Wide Shut” (1999), Kubrick explores the hidden lives of wealthy and powerful individuals, revealing a world of secrecy, manipulation, and exploitation. The film hints at the existence of secret societies and the corrupt practices within them.


"Eyes #2 belongs in a category more fitting the film "Lolita."

Corruption of Education and Intellectualism: In "Eyes Wide Shut" (1999), the theme of corruption in academia is hinted at through the character of Dr. Edward Mendak, a seemingly respectable and esteemed professor who is revealed to have a dark secret, highlighting the potential for corruption within institutions of higher learning.


One may find it worth noting that it takes quite a bit more to get AI to consider the pedophilia displayed in the two scenes featuring actress LeeLee Sobieski . At the time of filming her preteen character she was 16. Once I got it to acknowledge her scenes, AI's conclusion provides enough equivocation to placate the Woke movement. 


Leelee Sobieski’s appearance in Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut serves as a testament to the film’s thought-provoking and visually striking portrayal of human corruption. Her character’s involvement in the sex party scene adds complexity to the narrative, inviting viewers to contemplate the blurred lines between consent and coercion, as well as the darker aspects of human nature.


In the interest of keeping from getting much longer, I will mention that there were many considerable AI flaws revealed, some more fishy than others. For instance, to "Kubrick's Portrayals were inspired by what events," one result included in its list was:

Kubrick’s use of irony and satire in his films, such as Dr. Strangelove and A Clockwork Orange (1971), may have been inspired by the Watergate scandal, which exposed political corruption and abuse of power in the United States during the 1970s.

The readily visible flaw here is the anachronism.

There were other anachronisms, and even though both those films respectively preceded Watergate by 8 & 1 years, this may not have been the worst. I featured this flaw because when AI omitted (1964) after Strangelove but included (1971) after Orange, that seems deliberately disingenuousness to fit its 1970s assertion. How does one program for that? Maybe the answer is less direct. It could be by Planting a seed so as to seek ways to include Watergate when mentioning political corruption of any kind likely plays a role in any left leaning AI.

I invite the reader to try to get any AI to give you a intriguing set of answers to the following inquiry. You may or may not get the same results each time (or that I did) without extra thought.

Itemize societal corruption depicted by Kubrick, Paths, Lolita, strangelove, 2001, Clockwork, Lyndon, shining, metal jacket, Spartacus, Eyes, AI

I found that I really needed to list partial titles to get AI to consider all of them (most of the time.) I find the results are all useful even as they are frequently evasive. I did learn a bit more about a subject of which I was already quite knowledgeable.

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