While smaller blogs may have speculated that the two previous elections were thrown so the Left, and even spoke of it like it should be obvious to everyone, it really wasn't discussed by the bigger blogs. Most certainly it was never discussed seriously by the highly visible radio talkers who preferred instead to let Michael Medved deride the idea on his regularly scheduled "Conspiracy Day."
1. But beginning with the day after the 2014 elections, when McConnell immediately reversed all his campaign pledges, then many more people got pissed off. It was quite clear that the establishment was insisting that "The Opposition Party" drop all real opposition. And so GOPe has become the label to signify all the traitors of the country class' war against the ruling class.
2. And since the beginning of 2015, the GOPe has thrown so many fights by refusing to even discuss let alone force compromise with Obama, that it is hard to think of one exception.
3. Since the GOPe has proven itself complicit in agreeing with every Obama advance on destroying individual protections from expanding government, it is fair to ask "what else are they willing to throw?" and "what else have they thrown already about which they have been left us in the dark?"
4. For those who instinctively dismiss the idea that McCain and Romney threw the last two presidential elections, they have to also dismiss the smoking guns laying all over the place. It's telling when it's hard to think of an issue that the GOPe has not thrown the fight. They and their backers, who are almost unmistakably the same as the Democrats', must WANT what Obama has "gifted" us with. This is what soft fascism looks like. And they've loads of following threatening hard fascism -- such as death for denying AGW, or lawfare attacks for saying things critical of members of the ruling class.
5. So backing up to the last two elections, the preponderance of evidence leads the reasonable man to conclude that the GOPe threw those elections.
6. Ergo they have made such a shambles of the current primary system -- including the insane choice of the Dem stronghold of Cleveland for the GOP convention -- that they have been arranging to throw the current election. No, not to Hillary. Maybe to Trump. Maybe to Cruz. Maybe to Biden. Whatever, there is hardly any chance that the ruling class does not have many options at its disposal to get the puppet to rule ala Plato's Republic cave analogy.
I know. You haven't heard anyone else tell you that Hillary won't be the Dem candidate. So does that mean I must be wrong?
So let me remind you why I say it.
I wrote last year that Hillary will not serve. I even provided
photographic evidence, that should greatly help you agree with me.
Primarily your reason to agree with me is how Obama has wounded her. All the State Dept leaks tied to her remain in the news and are getting stronger. Yet he could have suppressed all or most of it. Look how he suppressed all the memos tying IRS commissioner Lois Lerner to all her high crimes. You know he could for Hill, yet he didn't. So Obama dares not let her win the Presidency.
Kings and would-be kings long ago learned the hard lesson that a wounded king must be finished off. That is even without the widespread knowledge of so many dead close Clinton associates. Vince Foster, Webb Hubbell, Jim McDougal. When considering who to nominate, now is the time to spread this thought seriously when considering Hillary's chances of being President, and hence not even the likely Dem nominee -- you may not hear it anywhere else.
I don't know how else to say it that now is the time to back Cruz even if I retain doubts that he is really an anti-Establishment candidate -- and that is how most Americans feel even if they are unclear as to who is the Establishment. Just about all the machinations have been to keep Americans in the dark about Ted Cruz. I'm forced to conclude it is because he HAS the record of fighting all in DC. In the end I'm fighting them too. So sure of him or not, I'm stuck with him.