Saturday, November 29, 2014

Even Bright People Can't or Won't See Layers

When Dem senator Charles Schumer came out the other day against Obamacare, a friend of mine called excitedly to tell me of the news. It delighted him that the Dems were splitting.

I tried to convince him that Schumer is a long time hack, but quite shrewd in his manipulation of the news. (In that he always has been helped and never hindered by the SSM. That made it easier and, so, makes him look smarter than he really is.)

My friend just would not see it as that.

Then backing up my suspicions this piece came to my attention today.

Second Take: Schumer's Merely Attempting a Trial Balloon Tactic of Distancing Democrats From Obamacare, While Continuing to Support and Defend It
I thought the Schumer statement -- in which he criticized Obama for pushing Obamacare in 2010, instead of addressing the needs of the And The Middle Class -- was important.

But now I think it's just so much positioning. With Elizabeth Warren now endorsing his statement (!!!), it seems obvious to me that this does not represent a true schism in the Democrat Party, but rather a way to snooker the voters again, to Gruber them anew.
Bottom line: Because we don't have a truly independent press to provide us the proper cynical views about politicians, especially about Dems, and usually about GOPe, the task has fallen to the people themselves.

See the layers of the statements so you can figure out the underlying meaning. Look for and at the layers.

Sometimes it's like peeling an onion, and can make you cry. But it needs to be done.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Continuing On a Theme

That is, let's see if any of you find the following somewhat connected with yesterday's QOTD.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

QOTD for Car Guys

Reflecting upon the following assessment on women by a woman
Women can be entertaining, but they’re expensive, inaccessible for most men, and from the male perspective, shockingly unreliable.
Francis W Porretto evoked an appropriate connection that you may never forget.

Well, yes, but you could say the same about Lamborghinis, and we certainly don’t stop desiring them for those trifling reasons.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Because it IS a Soviet-Style Media After All

The question -- answered by the headline above -- was asked by the man who has been tracking Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber all these years. 
Weinstein, back at home, was stunned at the reaction. Why did he keep finding Gruber gaffes? Why didn't the press glom onto this stuff first?
Yes Mr. Weinstein. A Soviet-Style media reports on only that news which allows the soviet-style government to operate with impunity; to hell with the voters it allegedly represents.

Furthermore, I recommend all read the article posted by Ace who highlighted this quote,

Meet the Guy Who's Single-Handedly Doing All of the Media's Jobs for Them

and then listen to the first 50 minutes of  Mark Levin from his show last night (11/10/14).

What is to be done about the revelations is problematic.

Any erstwhile leader who has even a plausible and not yet viable idea will indeed find many willing followers in America.

God help us. I suspect He is not getting any legitimate calls for help from the GOPe.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

GOPe/Dem Coalition is STILL Steering

US over a cliff.

The elections just completed proves that a large number of Americans have had enough of the radical agenda.

The problem is that the GOP is not really a conservative party. It's an amalgam of conservatives and Progs. And the Progs are in the leadership and control the agenda. The nicest acronym used to refer to them is GOPe (Republican portion of the Establishment). Readers of this blog know I deride RINO (Republican In Name Only) and prefer SKUNC (Statist Kooks Undermining our Nation's Constitution). Whatever label you use for the GOPe, every principled conservatives has felt how it hates them.

In each and every corner of America a discussion needs to begin today. More people need to know that whatever mischief the GOPe manages to pull off in the next cycle, it is not the fault of conservatives.

The aim of that discussion is to come up with ways to divert the Establishment's steering of our republic over the cliff.

I'm an old man and I'm quickly running out of steam. If you think this idea is worth pursuing, then please comment below. I cannot contribute my assets, limited though they may be, to this effort if I don't even know you really want to try.

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