Thursday, July 31, 2008

Placing Demands On Others

"Why isn't the world perfectible?" whined the social engineer.

"Ask The Perfectionist when you arrive where I cast him," replied The King of the universe.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


You Boomers who wouldn't abort your babies as I suggested will be forced to watch as I seduce your grown babies into aborting themselves.-- Ms Ann Thrope in private boast.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

When more offense is taken over what is said than what is done.

When more offense is taken over what is said than what is done, we are witnessing Political Correctness. We have been forced to endure this despite the First Amendment prohibition on silencing free speech.

Why? Why must we endure PC? Why must we "tolerate" it? Someone please convince me.

Otherwise, I recommend a mantra along these lines to be shouted in unison the next time you hear some PC:
Stop silencing watchdogs; start punishing criminals.
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