Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Belmont Club: The Shadow Lengthens

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Cowardice: Australian Publishers & Hollywood Movie Makers

I was distressed when viewing the just released movie Deja Vu. That reaction was aggravated when, upon my return, I read The Belmont Club posting about publishing cowardice in Australia. These movie makers and that publisher were both continuing in what I and others surmise is a worrisome trend: when there are terrorists involved, somehow they just aren’t from the segment of humanity that is most affiliated with terrorism.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Understanding Who Blocks Reform

This is a cross posting from my Premier site, PascalFervor.com.

We who are relatively well off are who blocks reform. I explain the hows and whys of it here, or at the backup here.

As you will see, I was provoked to write it because my friend and colleague Fran Porretto seemed to reduce to a triviality the words of Matthew 19:23-24 (the camel through the eye of a needle allegory).

I don't believe that was Fran's intent. Still, if a man of Fran's knowledge, faith and intellect can do such a thing, I am sure many others can do the same and even worse.

So this is my contribution to understanding an important passage in the Bible.
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